iphone 12 vs iphone 12 mini which is perfect for you

 hi there this is shubham and in this article let's do the comparison between the iphone 12 and the iphone 12 mini and guys if you recall i have done a full review but it's uh the pros and cons with the iphone 12 and i'm not going to do a full review of the iphone 12 mini because it's almost exactly the same as the iphone 12 but after using this iphone 12 mini for a few weeks i've noticed some differences that i want to share with you so that you can make an informed decision is the regular iphone 12 better for you or this iphone 12 mini is better for you so let's have a closer look at the same now so as you can see uh basic size difference between these two devices obviously this is having a bigger 6.1 inch screen whereas the mini as the name 

says mini it is having a smaller screen and 5.4 and again just notice the size side by size right and that gives you a difference and also the boxes these are the boxes this is the mini and this is the regular iphone 12 uh one thing to note is that in terms of in-hand feel the iphone 12 because they're now using this boxier design feels actually wider to hold and one thing i've noticed is that though you might just assume that the 6.1 inch screen is not that big or white because android phones 6.6 6.7 we are going uh but the thing is that uh as you can see if you hold the

 phone like this this uh you just simply can't reach to the edges for example if i adjust my grip to open the calendar that is not the case with the meaning for example for the mini same thing if i'm trying to do let me just lower the brightness a little bit uh as you can see i can easily reach it so one hand usability if it is very uh high on your priorities uh you are busy you mostly use your phone with single hand this is way more comfortable here like many of the bigger phones uh you have to do a little bit of hand gymnastics if you want to reach as you can you simply can't reach it you have to adjust your grip so that is something that i noticed and i started to appreciate 

after using the mini uh the next small thing is that both of them have the notch that's for face id and face id works brilliantly on both that's not a problem but one thing to note is that the notch size is the same on both the devices so i would say the notch is a little bit more noticeable on this smaller one compared to the bigger one for example if you're watching the videos and stuff as you can see this occupies a little bit more space so that is something you have to actually note yes after you are just watching the video like this for some time you don't notice

 the notch uh but again it is more noticeable i would say on the mini if you use this white screen mode like this that is something that i have noticed you eventually get used to it uh but that notch you notice a lot more on the mini compared to the regular one uh next thing that i have noticed is regarding the what do you say speakers both actually have stereo speakers and both actually have very good stereos because let me give you an idea let me try to play the same video i'm going to maximize the volume this is the iphone 12 to give you an idea max volume

 we could okay 5g smartphones that will be launching in india let's see uh i don't know the exact pricing because i got the internet uh two days ago and in terms of volume uh i would say this the regular iphone 12 is slightly louder not by a huge margin i don't know the exact pricing because i got the internet two days before the launch this is maxwell add the pricing information uh what do you say below it will be available let me just play this for the launch but i'll add the pricing information uh what do you say volume yes slightly very slightly louder on the iphone 5 but the big difference that i've noticed is that there is a slight very slight bass and depth with the speakers of the iphone 12 that is sort of missing on the mini again if you don't do this test side 

by side you will not notice it but as i was using both the phones i didn't notice it so yes in terms of speakers at the maximum volume i felt the iphone 12 meaning slightly on the shrilla side uh where it's slightly better defined i would say uh of course if you want the best uh speakers the pro series definitely has more depth compared to this one but that's what i have no test uh now moving to a color reproduction and the screen quality here both of them are actually very good and i did not have any problem with either of these both are having now a oled screen now if we talk about what you say cameras on this one if you notice in the back before that actually

 let me talk about colors this is not about the difference but in colors because i have these two colors and if you notice let me just move it around on this blue and the darker colors uh these are new iphone uh 12 are a fingerprint magnet this is not a problem with the pro but with the regular ones as you can see this is a fingerprint magnet and they are actually a lot more 

visible in this darker colors like blue and other dark colors whereas here also yes there are fingerprints but because of this lighter color this is green it's not visible so if you don't like to use a case or something so you will see a lot more fingerprints darker colors iphone that is some thing that i have noticed it's actually very much visible on this new blue color whereas this you can get by uh another thing is now as we're talking about the cameras uh both actually

 have the same cameras on them actually it's the same setup both are having a 12 megapixel and in fact the cameras are identical i've taken several pictures with uh these and the results were the same i could just mix it match here and you won't even know if it's from the mini or the regular iphone as you can see here are some of the samples that i've taken side by side with both these and again the cameras are the same uh in fact moving to the front-facing camera also it's the same result so in terms of camera i would say i'm neutral about this again if you want to know more about the cameras on these new iphones i already made a dedicated video again watch that for more

 info guys uh now coming to the biggest usability uh difference that i have noticed with these two phones is that uh because of the size you notice this is obviously bigger uh the regular iphone 12 obviously has a bigger battery uh this one actually has a 2815 milliamp hour battery whereas actually on the smaller mini we have a 277 milliamp hour battery but again this one also has a slightly smaller screen but in terms of day-to-day usage uh both of them actually lasted 

me for a typical working day and i could even use this one next day if i forget charging but this was sort of for everyday charging for and in terms of screen on time if i have to talk about you can easily get about one and a half to almost about two hours of extra screen on time with the regular iphone 12 compared to the mini it was not like the mini was not lasting me for a typical day if you are a regular user uh yes this will last you for a typical day four and a half to almost five half hours also five hours you can expect the battery life on this one but definitely this bigger one 

was giving me better battery life so i would say if you in terms this is just pure for battery life if you are a person who always you generally complain about battery life then i would suggest the iphone 12 because if you go with the mini then you might have to top it up in the evenings also coming to wireless charging both support wireless charging and i did charge even the mini uh wirelessly and it charged fine but again as this is smaller this supports 12 watt of wireless charging whereas the regular iphone 12 has 15 watt of wireless charging but again this one

 obviously has the bigger battery also so the charging speed is almost the same on both now coming to uh which phone is better for which user ah i would say let's first talk about the mini because this is a very different kind of a phone i would say if you were a person who always wanted a small phone but a very powerful phone then you have an option earlier we simply did not have options like that because whenever manufacturers were manufacturing what do you say mini phones it used to come with outdated processor or some major cost cutting or features 

cutting that is not the case with the iphone 12 mini so you always like small size phones you just don't like big phones then you can definitely have a look at the iphone 12 mini uh but if you're okay with medium sized phones then i would say the iphone 12 makes more practical sense also in terms of pricing here in india there is a pricing gap of about 10 000 rupees between these two uh devices again i'll leave the links for amazon in the description so that you can check out the latest pricing any discounts etc so do let me know which one would you go for the iphone 12 or the iphone 12 mini uh and i just hope android manufacturers also do manufacture what 

you say powerful android phones in the smaller form factor because to be frank guys i enjoyed using this mini after a long time i had a phone that easily fits in a hand and i don't have to do hand gymnastics to actually use it so surprisingly i enjoyed using the iphone 12 mini anyways guys that's it for now thanks for watching this is shubham and i'll catch you guys later take care guys

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