Nokia PureBook X14 Overview Affordable Light 1.1Kg Laptop - with pros and cons

 hi guys this is shubham and in this article let's have a closer look at this new laptop that was launched by nokia yes a laptop launched by nokia this is the first laptop that is launched by nokia in india and it's going to be sold by flipkart and the big thing is that if you notice it's actually is supposed to be ultra light laptop and this way it's just 1.1 kilogram so let's have a closer look at the same now so guys this is the laptop and it comes in this box it 

says purebook x14 i'll just keep it to the side and apart from that you also get this charger standard laptop charger which is actually a barrel type so i'll just keep this even to the side and this is the laptop itself it says nokia over here and it has this matte finish initially when i got this i was not sure of the material but actually uh it is made up of actually magnesium and aluminium alloy that's

 the reason actually it is very very light and i like the build quality when even i press it hard it's not flexing that's the problem with basic what do you say mid-range windows laptop if you just press the build quality it creaks and stuff this actually if i even flex it like this there's no creaking noise or anything so the build quality is good and let me actually show you the ports it comes with windows 10 pre-installed lifetime license of course first let's see over here as you can see we have a lot of ports over here uh we have a usb type-c uh usb 3 port again a regular usb 2 port we also have ethernet this jack which is surprising generally we don't have that but nice to have that and back actually here we have some vents that will dissipate the heat and on this your barrel type charger a full size hdmi port again a usb 3 uh port and we also have a usb type-c port here which is actually a nice thing i'm moving towards the bottom as you notice here is the

mesh and you can see some parts of the laptop and i like what they have done um it dissipates the heat very easily this laptop simply does not get that hot we have the speakers over here it's down firing speakers but it actually surprisingly louder and this is the laptop again as i've told you it's very very light because it just weighs 1.1 kilogram and let's open it up and it has that windows authentication over here with the ir that face unlocking as

 you saw it unlocked let me try it again and show it to you this is uh and it works actually perfectly i'll just open it up it fires up in about takes about two seconds and as you can see we are logged in so it comes with windows 10 home as i've told you guys and uh if you talk about the screen it's actually a 14 inch screen that you are getting on this one and here if you see it says that it is dolby vision and dolby

 atmos in fact i would say the speakers are much louder than i expected for example and yes regarding the pricing guys uh this is going to be sold via flipkart and as you can see it says the pricing would be 5990 and it says that dolby vision and atmos in fact i was surprised with the speakers of this one for example let's just try to play one of my own videos [Music] notice the sound we actually get that slight stereo effect i'll just pause it so the speaker is actually much better than most of the windows laptop but again to get that major effect i would 

say use a headphones i would say so let's just go back and also let's talk about the screen and if you notice uh the screen quality is good if i move the laptop also like this there is no fading of picture now that is again an issue with many of the mid-range windows laptop so that is not an issue with this one they are using a good quality ips lcd screen on this one and the viewing angles are also actually

nice on this laptop and as we're talking about the screen another good thing that i noticed is that when i tried to play netflix actually it does support dolby vision and dolby atmos and if i search for any what do you say uh six underground i believe is and 

even extraction is actually in dolby vision and if i invoke it here as you can see it says dolby vision and atmos if a laptop doesn't support this will not come and when you play it it actually let me increase the brightness and as you can see it says dolby vision so as you can see we have that so it's

 actually great for watching uh content also uh to get the best dolby uh what do you say uh audio effect use a headphones the speakers are good enough uh i would say uh but i would suggest use a headphone to get the best effect uh the screen is adequately bright indoors as you can see this is the max brightness it's about 250 units it's good enough indoors but outdoors not super super bright but for indoor 

conditions as you can see it's good another thing is that there is no blue not a lot of bloatware on this that was surprising uh we do have this extra app that is actually controlling the control center and you can change the fan modes on this one i have kept it on high perform by default it is in the medium but even when i kept it on this high performance I 

simply could not hear any fan noise so you can control some aspects of the laptop via this so again this is a nice touch that they have given now now to uh talk about the processor uh this is having the intel core i5 processor let me just run cpu z and guys as you can see it's having the core i5 processor this 

is the 10th generation uh one that we have specifically the 1020 110u processor that we are having it's actually a quad-core processor uh with hyper-threading that means it has eight threads as you can see and uh here as you can see case is 6 mb of l3 cage and the main board is actually made by intel itself and moving to the graphics guys it's integrated graphics that you are having on this one i also ran some benchmarks guys to give you an idea and this actually comes with a 512 gigabytes ssd and i was curious uh what are the ssd scores so i ran crystal dismark and i was surprised as you can see we got very high scores about 2.4 gigabyte generally in this mid-range laptops around 60s even 70 000 uh we get what do you say these speeds are around 1.6 to

 1.7 gigabytes this is 2.4 gigabytes so they put actually a very fast ssd on this i was also surprised with this results of this one and i also ran some other benchmarks for example geekbench 5 iran and here as you can see we got a score of a single core score of 10 000 and multi-core score of 2356 

and i also run citybench r15 and here we got a cpu score of 433 an open gl of 37 so okay for regular stuff and everything but not for gaming guys because it doesn't have a dedicated gpu but r20 as you can see we got a respectable score of 927 what does this mean this means that everyday tasks like your regular browsing watching youtube videos doing or working on office documents and stuff will be a very good experience you don't have to worry and even the ram uh management is good enough on this one as you can see i did not notice any lag even when i was running multiple windows and stuff so that way for regular productivity tasks it's a good processor that you're getting it's the intel core i5 one coming to the keyboard also guys uh this is a full size keyboard that you're getting and we also have this back light actually on this one um i hope

 you can see it it dark it is visible so you have the back lighting and the layout of the keyboard is good it's almost a full-size keyboard that you're getting but i uh personally felt that the keys are a little bit on the mushier side it's memory in case maybe i'm just not used to it maybe you'll you'll find it fine and lastly uh let's also look at the integrated webcam starting this video with the webcam on this nokia laptop and the audio is also being recorded via the

 same looks like a typical 720p webcam and this is the quality that you can expect so guys let's quickly divide it between what did i like and what are the things that i did not like and the first thing is guys the weight it just weighs 1.1 kilograms as i've told you hence very very light and guys if you don't know generally these ultra light laptops that weigh around 1.2 kgs or something like that are generally

 very very expensive even the macbook air is more heavier than this one and that has a 13 inch 13.3 inch screen so again a very light laptop so a good job by nokia bringing this ultra light laptops to this price range uh next if we talk about uh uh this is again something that i noticed uh in the manual actually it was not mentioned it also has the usb type-c port and i tested it it worked fine but to my surprise i was able to actually charge this laptop 

if you have a high powered power delivery charger for example my macbook what do you say uh uh usb type c charger is a power delivery charger so i could actually charge with that one so actually that's a plus point yes obviously you can charge it with the charger that is supplied but you can also charge

 it with some power delivery charger so that was a nice surprise to me regarding the screen quality guys as i've told you the screen quality is good we don't have that typical issue of viewing angles that we have in many of the laptops budget laptops or mid-range laptops so that is actually a nice thing and in fact the quality of the screen is good it's also dolby vision compatible so that was a surprise to me next thing i also liked is actually the speakers

 on this one they are compatibly a lot louder compared to most of the windows laptop yes obviously if you want to get the best effect put a headphone but uh the built-in speakers were actually much better than average windows laptops when i was using this laptop continuously last night i was using it for about almost two hours the laptop simply did not get that warm or i can i couldn't even hear the fan noise that's a big surprise to me uh so the thermals have been done very well on this we have the

 vents over here it's actually able to dissipate the heat very well and even when i was using at my on my lap it did not get that hot i'm surprised uh the way they have managed to actually control the heat so that way i like it simply does not get hot or 

even you simply don't notice the fan noise which is actually relevant to many of the windows laptops in this price range after an hour of usage that was not the case only time i could hear the fan noise on this one was when i was running the cinebench benchmark continuously only after the second

time it started to so that way i like it's very silent also uh you get that 512 gigabytes of ssd the performance is good also coming to the camera uh the windows authentication by the air camera as you saw was good now coming to some of the shortcomings that i have noticed on this one again 

as i've told you the keyboard layout is good it's spacious but again i feel the keys are a little bit mushy to my liking maybe you'll like it but i felt it was slightly on the mushier side and also moving to gaming guys this is not a gaming laptop so if you are expecting that you run heavy games on this one that's not the case but overall i would say uh to summarize uh i feel this is a very good laptop considering the weight that we are getting it's just 1.1 kilograms the build quality is good that magnesium alloy it does not have that flexing or anything uh the screen quality is good and also if you consume a lot of media for example netflix and stuff that dolby vision content also works on this one so that way i like it so if you are in the market for a what do you say thin and light laptop and weight is your very high criteria you can certainly have

 a look at this laptop so guys that's it for now for the overview of this laptop what do you guys think about the same do let me know in the comment section below anyways guys that's it for now thanks for watching and if you guys are still not subscribed to my youtube channel hit that subscribe button this is shubham and i hope to see you in my next article take care guys\

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