7 omg facts about flipkart company that nobody knows


howdy friends today's article I'm going to talk about Flipkart yes the flagbearer the torchbearer the lighthouse of indian startups yes the reason being Walmart has made multi-billion dollar acquisition of Flipkart I am going to tell you some 9 or 10 oh my god facts about this acquisition that is going to leave you very very surprised so friends let's get started formation of Flipkart was not an accident let me tell you both the founders Binny

 Bansal and such in one cell they have not really did they're not brothers they are completely unrelated they studied at same school they studied at same College yes and they both are IIT Delhi IDEs and both went to us to work with Amazon who happens to be their biggest competitor right now in

 India and elsewhere as well so these people when they went to Amazon they came back and started Flipkart with Amazon they work probably less bene work for less than a year both said no I have to go back and start something and that's how Flipkart was born in India in 2007 when flip had started it was just an online bookstore and the first book that Flipkart sold ever was ironically leaving Microsoft to change the world by John Wooden and 

do you know that when this first book was sold the packaging was done by Sachin Bansal and delivery boy was Binny Bansal can you imagine that and when they started it was not easy like anyone else you know you create a website but getting visitors is very difficult what did such an and B need 

to to get visitors on their online bookstore they started writing reviews themselves fake reviews of book to inspire people to read it and can you imagine that worked so the biggest twist in Flipkart's life was big billion day sale yeah in 2015 first time to introduce big billion day for three days and they sold goods worth 1,300 crores within three days and that was the time you know Flipkart really started that graph suddenly started going up yes and in 2016 the big billion day was even bigger it sold in three days the sales were more than seventeen hundred crore well let me tell you a very very interesting fact about this big billion

 day sale during these days Flipkart alone sold more TVs more shoes than all the retailers put together outside everyone else sold less then flip card alone can you imagine that and this flip cards dream journey was not without its share of blunders one of the biggest blunders Flipkart made in 2016 was they decided we are going to shut off the website and we are going to go only mobile that means if anyone wants to purchase they will have to download the mobile app and only then they can but with the uproar of Indians you know they really fought well they said no we want the flip card website and flip card website promptly came 

back luckily sanity prevailed but what this mobile app download only thing that flip card became the first company first Indian company to amass 50 million downloads on Android Play Store eeeh it became the first company flip card was the first company to have that kind of downloads although their surnames are saying bene and such in are poles apart at least in their hobbies yes such an is a passionate gamer in fact in the starting

 days of Flipkart if anyone in Flipkart lost or won against in such in would give them dinner he or she whoever and that has been a tradition since yes he is a big such an is a big big passionate gamers let me talk about Benny Benny loves outdoors yes trekking traveling is what where Benny's passion lies but for both such an and Benny it was not easy they had their own set of rejections yes in fact the biggest 

one was Benny before starting Flipkart he was rejected by Google thank God that's why Flipkart came into existence and as far as personal landmarks go such an and Benny hit it big in 2015 when they made it to the list fours list of richest Indians their potential worth was 1.3 billion dollars that is more than 7,000 crore rupees imagine that and finally in 2018 they adhere to their biggest milestone and that is Flipkart acquisition by Walmart Walmart has got 77% of flipcard and such in bunsen is going to quit Flipkart he he has more than 5.5 percent equity shares which amount to close to a billion dollars six and a half thousand crore rupees he is going to exit 

 Flipkart whereas Binny Bansal will remain on the board and before I finish let me thank both Flipkart as well as Benny and Sachin Bansal for doing so much for Indian startup ecosystem they bought Indian startup ecosystem into limelight like I said at the start they are the lighthouse company of India or a start-up of India them no more are a start-up but still they showed the way how it is to be done to other startups so friends that's it about this Article hope you liked this one as well see you till the next time

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