top 5 reason to buy a xbox series x


xbox was at the top of the world when it came to marketing the next gen system during the first five months of 2020. their ability to show off the system at the video game awards got people very excited for what they were looking forward to with xbox because they finally felt like they were making the turn but if you fast forward to live streams later a lot of people have changed their perception on xbox when it comes to what their offerings for the next generation system is going to be and then if you couple that with one of the delays of one of the biggest games that xbox had coming out next generation in halo infinite you'll start to paint a picture of why

 a lot of people feel like there's no reason to purchase an xbox serious x day one when it releases this holiday in november so in this video we're gonna talk about the five best reasons why you should still purchase the xbox series x day one let's talk about it [Music] what's going on guys it's your boy forte and thank you for checking out this video please hit that like button please hit that subscribe button make sure you head over to twitter follow me over there it's

 the best place to interact with me as a gamer and we can talk about the games we don't talk about in this video so let's get into the very first part of this top five and i don't believe you can really start any top five on any system without talking about the power the power is what's going to separate this system from other systems it's the one thing that a lot of people look forward to and it's one of the biggest conversation pieces we have in this community

 outside of the games that are exclusive to the systems that they come out on so number five is going to be about the power and the performance that the system is going to have the one thing that a lot of gamers are going to be super excited about is the fact that we're getting away from these old ancient decrepit jaguar cpus a lot of people truly don't want to be dealing with these cpus anymore because they are definitely holding back some of the development that we are having in newer games we definitely don't want to have anything to do with them 

no more and we're being upgraded to amd 8 chord 3.8 gigahertz amd xen2 processors this is going to be something that is truly going to be the biggest deal maker when it comes to the next generation we're gonna get better quality games better performance in our games just because of the cpu itself it's seeing the biggest and more massive game when it comes to these next generation systems and if we couple that with the 12 teraflop 52 ceus running at an astonishing 1.825 gigahertz under a custom rdna 2 this is going to be a tool that's going to allow developers to push the graphical fidelity even further than we had in the previous generations the fact 
that we'll be able to play at higher than medium settings when it comes to the assets that are on the screen along with tackling things like 1440p and higher with a greater sense of depth and scope with the way that it's going to be able to render throughout the world is something that a lot of people never had the ability to do before and i think they're gonna see a huge difference and they're gonna have the opportunity to see what pc gamers have been seeing for the last 10 to 20 years and i think one of the biggest changes that's going to come the next 

generation is the fact that every system is going to have a ssd integrated inside of it and not just any ssd we're going to have nvme ssds these active ssds have the fastest transfer rates of any ssd on the market it's also going to give you the ability to move from after app as seamlessly as possible and i think this is going to be something that a lot of gamers are going to really truly appreciate the longer they have the system in their homes now i know everybody's very excited for the performance of this next generation system but let's move over to number four which i think people are gonna be excited for and that is ray tracing ray tracing is something that we have had for the last couple of years it was introduced in the rtx line of nvidia graphics card that released back in 2018 i believe if you don't know what ray tracing is it basically is a rendering

 technique that allows you to trace the path of lights with pixels it gives you the ability to reflect items that it encounters in virtual spaces the technique is capable of producing high degrees of visual realism but it does have the ability to greatly impact your compute power at a significant cost and that is one of the biggest problems that a lot of people have with ray tracing on the pcc right now it definitely does impact your performance a lot but if you 

do have the power to be able to harness that ability it does look freaking phenomenal and especially on the xbox series x where you're going to get ray tracing built directly into the system you're getting hardware accelerated ray tracing machine learning that's going to help boost performance from three to ten percent that is going to be something that is going to be very noticeable in these next generation systems especially since they never had ray tracing before so i think this is going to be a huge gift for the people that have really good tv sets that can show off ray tracing and hdr settings it's going to be pretty phenomenal for people with oled super jealous of those people but moving on to number three which we're going to discuss game pass because you can't have a top 5 xbox list without having game pads being a part of it game pass is one of the best 

description services you can have on any console with the fact that they have over 10 million people that are subscribed to the service already and let you know that microsoft is really taking serious the ability to get as many people into that ecosystem as possible they have two tiers of game tasks which is regular game pass and game pass ultimate regular game pass gets you access to all of the xbox games that they have in that service including their first party on any xbox system including mobile phone but if you step up that membership for five more dollars a month you also get access to xbox game pass ultimate which gives you xbox live it also gives you xbox game pass on pc it also gives you access to their streaming service xcloud which will be launching in september on the 15th which will give you access to playing all of these games on any of 

your mobile devices as of right now no apple because of the situation going on with apple and microsoft and apple's just fighting with everybody right now but as of right now you won't be able to play it on any ios device but you will be on any android device tablet laptop pretty much anywhere where you can stream you'll be able to play xcloud which will also be included in your game pass ultimate membership one of the best selling points for xbox game pass is the fact that all of the first party titles are going into that service day one we did have halo infinite going in there day one with the release of the xbox series x but that has been delayed 
recently until sometime in 2021 so we don't know exactly when we're going to see that game but we already had a few games that hit xbox game pass like ori and the will of the wisp and that was one of the most acclaimed games that released this year we also just had to release a flight simulator so if you're a person that's playing on pc you have access to microsoft flight simulator right now in xbox game pass under the beta app and you can download

d that game right now so moving on to number two i believe that friends are one of the most important reasons on why you should purchase your next generation system the reason you want to do that is because friends make everything fun if you have an assortment of friends on one particular platform that's the platform you should go with so this really doesn't just speak to why you should buy an xbox series x but this speaks to why i'm getting an xbox series x and really this top five is why i believe you should get an xbox series x especially if you're a person like me that has a bunch of friends on xbox and you like enjoy playing those games with those

 friends if most of your friends are on playstation then this will be another reason why you want to buy a playstation over an xbox series x i just feel like if you don't have the friends to enjoy the games you're playing with and they're across other platforms go with the one that has the most friends on it unless you just truly don't really care about playing with them as much maybe you're alone with you play a lot of games by yourself and you just like to talk to your friends while you're playing where you can do that anywhere but if you truly enjoy playing games with those people until we get massive cross 

play across basically all the games this will always still be a barometer for you to have to check off because nobody wants to go and play a game like pub g by themselves especially if they like the whole team atmosphere type game i see a lot of people playing warzone on pc because they just enjoy the game over there and if you can do that that's fine but there's a lot of people out there that just really want to buy a system hook it up to their tv through hdmi plug it into their wall connect their internet to it man it sounds like i'm talking about a pc at this point but they are pretty much the same at this moment but i do understand that people just want to buy consoles because the simplicity of just hooking it up and using it and guess what you would also like 

to have the friends there with you to enjoy it shout out to sir taz shout out to ashton luca shout out to my fire team in destiny they're the reasons i'm buying this xbox and they're the reasons that i'm going to enjoy this xbox more than anything because they bring a level of humor that i really appreciate in life because there's a lot of toxicity out there and especially when you're playing your games it's just really cool to sit back and just play something enjoy the ride with the people that you enjoy with the most and just play games and that's what i'm all about so 

that's why i'm buying an xbox series that's because that's where they're gonna be at and last but not least let's talk about the number one reason you should be purchasing an xbox series x and that is because microsoft and xbox in general has shown you that they are committed to bringing you a first party experience that you have been missing this entire generation the fact that they went out and purchased all of these studios to make all these games for this platforms let you know that they are actually for real about bringing you the content that you haven't got this entire generation now a lot of people are gonna probably fight back on that and says well we haven't seen anything yet but i tend to just truly believe that there's gonna be a game for 

somebody everybody's not going to love every game that they release under this platform a lot of people are going to be very excited to see what fable looks like a lot of people are going to want to know what the initiative is doing a lot of people are going to be super excited for when hell blade 2 comes out halo infinite when it finally does get released will garner a lot of attention a lot of people want to know how they're going to build that game 

out over the course of a plan of 10 years i think there's a lot of exciting things to talk about when it comes to xbox's first party we just got to get there unfortunately microsoft took a long time in the eyes of a lot of gamers and a lot of gamers probably are never going to come back because they feel like they've been burned over the course of the last few generations when it came to the offerings that xbox has brought out to them but this is going to be a new beginning for microsoft they have to prove to people that they are willing to do the things they need to do to get compelling content inside of this ecosystem for people to be excited for the next 

thing that's going to be played on our xbox series x or just xbox in general because guess what xbox doesn't care where you play your games they just put the system out there as a entry point for people that want to play in their ecosystem and there will be an xbox series s which will be a lot more cheaper to actually bring into the ecosystem for you to get into but i just truly believe that most of the hardcore people that are going to be buying these systems at least day one are the people that love fidelity love performance and love xbox and if you love all of those things i'm not telling you to go out and buy a 500 system or 600 system just because you love

 it go and buy it because you have a reason to buy it if you want to have ray tracing in your box and you want to have the experience of what a powerful console feels like and know what pc people have been experiencing for the last couple of years buy an xbox or buy a playstation both of them will be very adequate in that regard but if you want to have something like game pass you want to be able to have a lot of the first party games available to you day and day xbox is going to be the platform for you or in pc there's a lot of different ways you can go with this but the number one reason i tell people to buy any platform that they buy is because

 of the friends power doesn't mean anything games really truly don't mean as much unless you have the people to experience them with unless we're talking about a single player narrative story driven game that's going to give you something like last of us a god of war which the things that sony are masterful at creating xbox's ecosystem has always been built on multiplayer and it's been about communicating sharing experiences and stuff with people that you normally don't get a chance to share those experiences with and i think that's 

one of the main reasons why people pick xbox over other platforms so if that's you you already know what to do i don't have to tell you what to do because you already fill it in your bones make the  decision that's great for you  and i will see you guys in the next article
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