Macbook Air M1 Laptop Review - This Is Just Amazing


hi guys this is shubham and in this article let's review this macbook air and and guys if you recall i took my time i had purchased this on january 11th  i have used till date in fact guys it's always like this for apple laptops you pay this much and the performance you get is this much but that's not the case with this n1 you pay this much and you get the performance like this and in fact guys i have way more expensive windows laptop about one and a half lakhs and even more and they also don't just come close to this but this is not perfect so let's get on with the same and guys i just wanted to start with this one and if you have used any powerful laptop for example you do heavy stuff like video editing 

etc you'll notice that even though if you have a powerful laptop you have to actually plug it in into the power to get the best results otherwise the performance becomes sluggish that's not the case with this one in fact i did all my editing and i was not even plugging this in so that makes it a truly mobile computing machine which is a rarity i would say so i thoroughly enjoyed video editing with this one uh but before we uh proceed ahead uh let me talk about some of the other aspects so guys this is the macbook air and uh guys what i first liked is again the build quality it's completely made up of aluminum and doesn't have any creaking noise or anything on this one and again because of the m1 chip the moment you wake it up as you can see it just instantly switches on this is just like a smartphone guys and again just i am not even shutting this down almost instant on like this so that's a great it's ready and again everything also loads very quickly on this one as you can see i'm just going to open chrome uh let's open word again as you can see it opened and yes word works perfectly on this one in fact i wrote this article on another mac computer and it's opening fine so word excel all of them are already having the native app so you don't have to worry about it and the general performance is it's 

very very snappy in uh usage another thing that i like is the speakers are actually good let me actually open up my own what do you say video so that i don't fall into copyright let's just play this i'm increasing volume and let's skip this so hi guys as you can see it's actually very loud and i did not have a problem and uh it also has a webcam over here it's a 720p webcam and i would say it's an improvement over earlier macbook air but again you guys judge here is a sample guys this is the recording with the front facing camera apple say it has improved yes it has improved but not by huge magic this is typical lighting yes the performance increases if i increase the light i'll switch on two more lights and now as you can see it's a better but still i would say this is just a 720p a webcam they should have gone with 1080p now constraint getting a lot of video conferencing but this is the video quality and the audio quality that you can expect and next thing that comes to my mind and i liked on this laptop is that the quality

 of the screen it's a it's a quad hd screen that you're getting so it's higher than full hd and in fact youtube videos will show at 1440p even you can go 4k obviously but what i like with this one is that it's a p3 color accurate screen so when i was doing video editing uh the colors are very very accurate so i like that and that is one thing that is missing on what do you say windows laptop generally uh you have to go very high-end laptops to get the color record and this can go pretty bright guys up to about 400 nits and as you can see in these conditions no issues so this panel that they have used is a very good panel no issues regarding that yes the bezels are slightly on the thicker side but they didn't change the design it's the same old design another thing that i had a problem with earlier macbook air was the keyboard 

 now the keyboard also has improved quite a bit and these keys are a lot better to type now moving to the m1 chips performance i won't show you the benchmarks guys many other sites have shown that but what i'll tell you is the performance is amazing with this one in fact i do i did all my video editing with this one i have stored it on this one let me attach this one and let's just open up one of the projects in final cut that i have used on this so let's open this and february library i'm going to open it's a 323 gigabyte library and you'll notice how quickly it will load so yeah it's already loaded let me open this file and if you notice guys there are two layers of files i generally use like that it's the top layer and the bottom layer and both are 4k and just notice how fluid it is there in doing this video editing this is 4k guys and i am keeping it the performance at better quality uh not at better performance then also no frame drops or anything while video editing in fact the video editing performance is much better than even my 15-inch macbook pro that i used to actually use for editing while on the go but this has completely replaced it while editing even if i have one more 4k above this two-third for b-rolls and stuff then also no issues of lagginess or anything with this one that way i would say it performed so brilliantly uh the editing experience and everything was so good on this one uh the default storage yes is 256 and apple does charge quite a bit if you want extra uh if you want to go over that fight well you have to spend 20 uh actually thousand extra and now let's also talk about the ram because this is the base variant this is for 91 000 it has 

eight gigabytes of ram and 256 gigabytes of storage and i was worried how would be the performance while doing video editing because i generally have two 4k files and edited and i add b-rolls also but as you saw no issues so i would say for 95 percent of the users uh the ram 8 gigabyte would we also actually enough in fact the performance is so good up time as you can see i didn't shut it off from the 11 days because it's so damn cool did you just put it like this twisty sleep and you just wake it up and it unlocks like it also has a fingerprint scanner uh gear integrated here so that also works very well now let's talk about the compatibility uh stuff guys i did not have a problem in fact word excel etc also work well with this uh they have

 been moved natively to the m1 chip let me just lower the brightness so that's not a problem but again if you are using adobe apps yes they are not natively but they run over rosetta and uh it works well i would say even rosetta i'm using this affinity photo it was recently ported to m1 earlier it was using reset also it was fine only thing is that if it's not a native app it takes a couple of seconds to load but once it loads again i did not have a issue in terms of usage but one thing to note is that there might be apps that are not compatible with this one natively if you're using some specialty apps or stuff i did not have a problem the

 only problem i had while using final cut was that i use a obscure third-party plug-in and that is not compatible uh with this one so again i'm just not using that uh what do you say uh plugin but apart from that no issues most of my recent videos are actually edited via this one but if you're buying this machine if you have some specialty software i would suggest that you go to this what do you say website is apple silicon ready i'll have it here and here again check your specific app that is required by you is it compatible or does it work for example there are some apps that simply do not work and they have a huge list guys over here it's just showing the uh top as you can see so again go here and make sure for example as you can see visual studio code is having a exclamation mark so again can be issues for uh what do you say some specific app so again check this out but if you're already using a mac uh then i don't think so you'll have a problem because most of the mac apps are actually compatible uh with this one and now let's move to some of the cons that i noticed uh one thing a big problem with this one is that let me just

 eject this and i think so that makes this a truly portable machine is that uh though it's a very fast laptop in fact while editing videos it was faster than my macbook pro uh 15 inch that cost more than double that cost two lakh three thousand this is 91 000 faster than that and this does not even have any fans here so it's truly silent uh when i was editing video and no fan noise or whatsoever and if you have used any mac you know how good of that feeling is because if you use any uh heavy app like video editing etc with regular max the moment you start editing the fans just ramp up like a jet engine that's not the case with this one so that is another thing that i really liked on this laptop truly lap a portable laptop and it's dead silent now let's move to some of the things that i did not like again as i've told you it's still that old design the bezels here could have been narrower i feel and also now apple calls this the macbook air their portable laptop and strictly speaking in terms of portable laptop i would say in terms of weight 

his is not that super lightweight it weighs 1.27 kilograms and windows have quite a few laptops that we just about one kilogram or 1.1 kilogram uh yes definitely the build quality on this one is better but i hope apple with the redesign looks a little bit at the weight also now one thing i noticed i like the keyboard as i've told you guys and it also has backlighting but for some strange reason in earlier match the backlighting you could just adjust from here the keys but here you have to actually go in the settings your obscure settings and from here you have to actually adjust the backlighting keyboard brightness from here as you can see you have to go so deep in here i don't know why apple did this it was way

 easier controlling it via that so i find this setting very very silly in my frank opinion and i hope apple with the update brings it back uh so another big con and i think so this might be for professional users is that and you might already know this one just has two usb type-c ports and you charge this and you connect your third-party accessories also via this so if you're a professional and you're connecting this to an external monitor then this limited port can be a issue maybe you'll have a hub and you'll use one for charging and that way it can be a little bit crippling so that is the only scenario that i noticed that can be crippling for what you say uh professionals

 and also uh this can only support one external monitor uh it can't power to external monitor so these were the minor cons that i had with this laptop so guys to summarize i would say uh this is an excellent laptop and already if you are on the mac ecosystem you can seriously have a look at this one in fact i would say it exceeded my expectations and now i'm going to sell off my 15-inch macbook pro and even the 13-inch macbook pro because in daily usage scenarios this one does perform better than that one and it runs silently and cold and again i have to stress that i spent this much and i got this much which is a big rarity with apple products anyways guys that's it for now uh for this review and this is shubham then i hope to see you in my next article  take care guys

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